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new section 05-08-2003 21:13
I created a files section containing some stuff I've made which may be of use to someone even though I kind of doubt anyone will download any of them.

more new pics 05-02-2003 22:05
I added an "Air Conditioner" section to the Misc. Stuff table. I got this air conditioner yesterday and ran the tubing into the ceiling today. Did a pretty nice job considering how much I suffered in that extremely hot attic cutting the hole out (I was rushing, you think I wanna be in there? No way.)

new pics 04-30-2003 00:15
I finally updated the pictures. xPdc and xWin have all new pictures. I also added a "My Room" section to the Misc. Stuff table. I have some pics of my fourth "spare" computer. It's xWin's old case with the old xPdc in it. Pretty much have no use for it but I have plans for it which may or may not ever happen.

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